Thursday, 29 July 2010

Free Thinking

Today, while watching an episode of the Flight of the Conchords and smoking the Picon3, a thought came to me.

It was that episode from the first season with all the racism. During that scene, towards the end of the episode, where they are exchanging offensive hand-gestures and having an argument with the fruit guy, Jermaine points some differences between their culture and the American culture.
He says, and I’ll quote, “It doesn’t matter what they smell like, or that they spell words slightly differently, some would say, more correctly”. Now I see sheer poetry in these words. Astonishing beauty. But that’s probably because I’m high. But back then, when I first saw it, I saw the past. I had a perfect glimpse of the past. Of our linguistical past.
This part of our past can be written by anyone who chooses to. And whatever it may be, it has the exact same probability of being correct, as any other version that could be written by anybody.
I’m talking about the evolution of our language. Just the same as with the evolution of our species, there have to have been initial bases of formation. Initial sounds, the first ones. The ones that got carried through to today.
Just like with living creatures, where new species became different species by differentiating themselves from the original one. The parent one.
So let’s start thinking about it this way, the concept of ‘word’ now is equivalent to the concept of ‘species’. They mean the same type of thing, that is a thing of its own but contains a lot of different variations. Its possibilities allow for the existence of many of its kind. But that also makes it a part of something greater, not the great apex itself.
And being a part of a larger existence means you are contained inside a larger capsule, that could be itself contained inside a larger capsule, that could be itself contained inside a larger capsule, that could be inside this very dot, I shall invoke with my key.

Sidetracking this whole thing, I’ll bring some differently aimed philosophy and physics to the table. It could be true, you know. Have you thought about it long enough? Well, for all we know, we could definitely be inside just about anything. A nutshell, some goofy colored marbles (or should I say ‘coloured’ hehehe… well, I’ll get to that a bit later), hell, we could inside a quark, couldn’t we?
Time is not infinite, it had a beginning and it will have an end. People are always wondering, oh my, what originated time? We did it! We probably got some help somewhere down the line. But we have it. We care for it. It came with us, we were the first ones to talk about it. It thrives now. But once we’re gone. If nobody keeps track of it anymore, then it will go away too.
What about space, huh? Space is truly infinite. That’s where divine creation starts to mean something. We are perfectly complex, conscious and interacting with our surroundings. Able to even destroy the very star that sparkled us. Yet, we amount to nothing, when compared to the ever widening, breathtaking corridors of space. This vast connection of systems and particles, that frankly, seems to grow bigger every time we look at it! Well, at least every time we make better lenses.
This space that I talk about is the true frontier. If god really planned this universe, the way it is, perfectly suitable for us in every aspect. Then he’d better have some good old mysterious way for allowing us to travel around this thing. Why would he make everything so small? I mean, here we are, his children. Hell, his only children, right? Lost in the produce section of a massive supermarket. Why would God do that to us?
I mean, when the Earth was everything that he created, when our village was everything that we new. Then the Garden of Eden was somewhat similar to our home. That delightful naiveness to assume you are everything in somebody else’s universe, that you are the purpose of His existence. What if God made us, yes, but also made a whole lot of different things, cooler than us? Can’t he leave us aside for one second to show his other godlike friends of His, some cool supernovas that he has been shooting across his Picon3 Universe? Some of the cool black whole effects you can add in the new version. Just a thought, just a thought.
I’m just saying that yes, we are positioned in the three dimensions of space, right here, and in our invented dimension of time, right now. But we are also positioned in the fourth spatial dimension. The scale. Our whole universe is in the same scale. Maybe we are occupying the same place as another entire universe, that occupies the same coordinates as ours, but is in a different scale.
When you assume that the scale is the fourth spatial dimension, the concepts of size, big and small, become more relative. Our universe is big, oh yes. But when compared to the drop of acid that it could be contained inside, then it’s still larger as a concept, if you accept the concept of a universe as something universal, but on a much smaller scale.
Think about this for a second. And then think some more. What is the proportion between our size and our universe’s size? This proportion is the life proportion. We know that, with a universe as big as ours you can introduce and maintain people like us. There’s a whole lot more of things you can get from this type of universe; hopefully, after a complete evaluation of the possibilities of this universe we seem to inhabit, we would still make it to the top-10 coolest things that comes with it.
Maybe it’s gonna come down to, “Hey, download this program, it’s called Picon3 Universe, you can generate a bunch of these bizarre galaxy clusters, and I made a 4 star system with 23 planets that spell out my name. In all the planets I put happy indigenous creatures that are all perfectly happy to exist, they all try to do their best to improve their lives and their environment, always respecting eachother’s differences and helping me making their universe a better place.”, “And what about these guys here, melting their planet?”, ”Well, they are kind of awkward. Can’t really seem to get them to stop destroying everything. You know what? Thanks for reminding me, I’ve been meaning to delete these guys for ages now. Here you gooooOOOOOoooOOOoOOOooOOoOOoOOoOOoOOoOoOooOoOoOo
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Again, the proportion between our size and our universe’s size is the life proportion. It’s related to the larger proportion between our universe’s size and an atom’s size. Or a proton’s size. Maybe a quark’s size. You chemists will take it from here. This proportion is the overall universe proportion. If we start digging deep inside a quark, and we find one step between one structure and the next one, is just as proportional as the step from our universe to us. Then we would have to accept the obvious possibility of having an entire universe, exactly like ours, inside of a quark. But in another scale.
There’s no telling what can be inside of a quark. Let’s say one day we find a type of particle that’s inside of a thing that’s inside of a quark. This particle seems to be completely empty of everything. Until one day somebody decides to look inside again, but now, with much better lenses. And we find that the size of the things inside this particle is in the same proportion to the size of the particle itself, as the size of our atoms when compared to our universe. Wouldn’t that imply that there is an equivalent universe inside every one of those particles? There probably is, but in another scale.
We are positioned in a section of the scale. Our section is like a strip in a giant ruler. We shaped our reality around our limitations, created a limited reality for ourselves, and seem to be completely incapable of reaching outside the barriers of our own position in the scale.
It’s very hard to interact with, or even acknowledge the existence of different realities. It’s even harder to understand the implications of different scales in our actual working life. We are not the only ones around. We are merely one of its vibrations. Watch ‘Horton Hears a Who’, for further reference.

Ver tudo ao mesmo tempo, não é uma benção, é uma maldição.
Saber tudo que acontece, sem intervalos, não há curtição.
Eu que não quero nem saber, só quero quando eu quiser.
Eu que procuro esquecer, esperando o que der e vier.
Mas você vem me perturbar, não para de falar,
Me aperta o peito, me define sem parar.

Actually, all this stuff came to me too. A bunch of stuff that I, by pressing some black little squares positioned in a board right in front of me, I managed to put down to paper, sort of speak, some of this stuff that comes to me.

The original idea that came to me and that inspired me to start writing, is about the formation of our languages. The evolution of words from, the first words uttered by the first creatures that chose to make sounds, to this structured language that we have installed in our brains. What was the first human word? What was the first combination of phonemes that he chose to make come out of his mouth? And who was the first one to agree that he had, in fact, said something? Created something?
Words were created all the time. Some were acknowledged by the community and repeated. Some were incorporated into some form of global vocabulary. Some were banished, cast into inexistence. Some were forgotten, erased from our minds. But they have all made an impact. They have all been steps in this eternal climb towards the divine world. The land of the perfect combinations. Where everything seems to work out fine. There is no unhappiness whatsoever.
This world doesn’t seem real, but yet we chase it. And that’s what true art is, the search for the perfection, the best within our possibilities. That would surely be divine!

What Jermaine said in the episode inspired me to write all this. And better yet, it reminded me of an old idea I had a while ago. It was one of my first one-million-dollar ideas. I actually remember telling my mom, back in 2008 when I received this idea for the first time, just how excited I was, because I had just had a wonderful one-million-dollar idea. I actually used those words.
I proceeded to explain my idea to her, as I did only to a handful of people, and she wasn’t really impressed. Honestly, pretty much no one cared for it. And I let it rest for a while. Didn’t develop it much until today.
The idea basically is this -> A project for the creation of new natural languages. Maybe to study our own languages and their structural limitations imposed by their heritage and natural ancestors. Maybe simply to increase the number of languages around. Why, don’t some people say that languages are dying? They are getting extinct and everything? Well, languages are not like species. They can be very easily created and spread. If having a certain number of documented languages is important, then for sure the ability to create a new natural language is something valuable.
This project would be called, the Caveman Project.

I initially conceived a stylish kind of chat room, with pixilated cartoon cave people just hanging around caves and chatting. Well, creating a language.
Think of true cave people in the original sense of the word, whatever that is. Those guys didn’t have a god-damned language to talk to each other! God still hadn’t planned for that to come about their lives! Imagine that! God thinks you can exist and coexist around your village people, your friends, your married with children. Your nanny. Your Saturday Night Live! Your Who knows what the fuck I’m talking about…
Anyway, God hadn’t given us anything back then. Our great grandfathers didn’t have a selection of words, already catalogued and arranged alphabetically, ready for our plucking and uttering, sure to cause immediate effect on those receiving it.
You say – HEY ASSHOLE! There is a reaction. But try to say – HEY BAPKA LUGRAJO! There won’t be an equivalent reaction. Not yet anyway.
Now go to that place where nothing means anything! That’s hell, right there! I sure am glad we are here, today, where anything means something. This is a wonderful place for my head. Everything makes some kind of sense, and I’m pleased. When things don’t make sense, that’s when you move into lunacy. The moon, in a way. Not quite another planet. Just weird feelings all the time. Things don’t appear to seem to want to be what they were before. They seem to be charged, plugged into the divine outlets you can find growing around this little blue ball. The little one over there, hanging by that faint little star. Just oozing, beeping, glowing around that tiny fireball.
Also, down there, if we really make ourselves incredibly tiny, we can actually visit the tiny blue ball. It’s called Earth. By some of the creatures that inhabit it. I read it was officially called “Terra” by the owner.
Look at these creatures. They are just another type of monkey, which is a common type of mammal. Small sized and nothing compared to those huge reptiles that used to be here. But in a way, they seem to impose more power and dominance to the world around them than the reptiles did. The reptiles that he had first invented wouldn’t give him art. They would just develop into massive creatures, every time he tried to initialize a new species. And they simply wouldn’t do anything interesting to be honest. So he ended them. And check it out, by increasing the size of the brain of this species of monkey, they started to do a bunch of cool stuff.
They are actually all amazed at the sounds that come from their lungs. God modified it, increased it in volume, allowed for some more color in pitch and timbre and listen to it. Amazing sounds! He thinks it’s starting to sounds like a pattern is developing amongst those creatures. He has assembled a team of linguists to tape it, analyze it and try to learn it, so we can communicate to them.
It might be very difficult. They operate at a very small level. This is the part where you have to make an effort to understand.
They really do exist, but on another scale. Their entire existence, their entire physical universe is contained inside this computer. I only have access to the information that comes to me through this interface. But I can tell, by the answers, that this information is equivalent to the kind of information we already receive from different realities and environments. The two universes are equally existent in your universe. Therefore, they exist.
Another example. If your son lives in another city and only once a year sends you pictures and calls you. Then these two events and all the information they generate will represent all the data that your brain will assimilate about your son. That and the occasional visit, that may, sometimes, take decades. If someone were to fake these perfectly, then you wouldn’t continue to assume that your son’s existence is no more. And he has been replaced by a better, more capable son. Me! Hahahahahahahaha

I didn’t like that ending at first. When I was now, rereading. But now I decided to let it stay. Let it live. Show me what it has to offer. Hell, everybody deserves a second chance.

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