Thursday, 29 July 2010

God is within our reach. For we have created him. We have named him. And associated feats and skills with his name. Unique skills that only he himself could ever possess. He is above us, for sure. But he was defined by us. He definitely is all knowing and all powerful and all seeing and all being. But those are his feats. Those are his skills. Oh, you can add whichever skills you may want to. They will still belong to a list. A human made list. The real god, should he even exist. Would be of a certain nature. That nature could be a completely external and different from ours. And I totally believe it is. And so, by definition, that nature will forever be unknown to us. Maybe that is revealed to us when we die, maybe even while we still are alive. But it certainly will be translated to our languages. Even if perceived first by the feelings and thus, composed of a yet decrypted alphabet. It will, invariably be translated to our languages. Our verbal languages. And so, humanized.

Maybe that’s actually a good thing. But that also means that, probably, due to our own design definitions, we will only ever perceive a humanized nature of god. If and when we do come in contact with him, at all. When we tell someone that we have been in contact, been touched by god, we end up translating that experience to words. And so, our god’s feats remain humanized feats.

Hey, someone’s god actually divided the waters of a large body of water to make passage for his people. “Wow. That’s pretty impressive. Well actually, we humans can do that do, you know?”
”Really? But like, just with the power of your will?”
”Yes,” I replied. “We get together, come up with a plan, and when we have our minds focused on something, we simply work our best until we get the job done. We also like to have fun and enjoy ourselves, you know what I’m saying?”

That’s human nature I’m talking about. Also because I don’t know anything about God’s. Godsuss.

Then came Science… And started walking towards god. And we followed.
Science decided that god wasn’t unreachable. At least not his godly feats. And like the second law rules, if we can reach his feats, then we will have accomplished the same as him, and we will have become of his. Gods ourselves.

Science ruled that everything could be tried at least once. Science said that nothing is impossible and that we could do anything. We believed it and went after our dreams. Our godly dreams. And one by one, believe you me, those dreams came true. We wanted to fly, we wanted to cry, we wanted to get high. And they made all that possible. Science did. Scientists did it, in name of Science.

And Science wouldn’t rest, until all of our dreams became a reality, in our universe. Some of us were still feeling lonely and empty inside, and they did not appreciate all the good that Science has to offer, but it’s alright, as history has shown, they will come around, and embrace our
Philosophies and become model citizens in their own right, Science bless
This great nation.

I mean, this great civilization that we built. And Science will keep working hard, to make sure we keep evolving, in hopes of, one day, we get to meet god. Or at least, be just like him. Gods ourselves.

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